The 7 Benefits of Ignition Compared to Traditional SCADA

Ignition SCADA
In the world of industry 4.0, it’s crucial to keep up with developments. However, we see many companies being held back by the use of traditional SCADA systems. But this is now a thing of the past. Introducing the benefits of Ignition, the new SCADA system, to overcome these problems from now on.

1. Ignition embraces the present

While old SCADA systems are stuck in the 90s, Ignition harnesses the speed, performance, and connectivity of the internet. Mobility is key, allowing Ignition users to connect to their SCADA system from anywhere, resulting in a better user experience and a more productive system.

2. Ignition grows with you

Old SCADA systems lack integration and can be difficult to expand. Ignition is modular, allowing users to add, modify, or remove functionalities without disrupting the entire system. This provides tailored flexibility and efficiency.

3. Ignition connects with every database

While old SCADA systems are often limited to a specific database, Ignition excels in versatility. Ignition supports an unlimited number of database connections with different types, including SQL. This simplifies data collection, making it easy and efficient.

4. Ignition gives meaning to data

Unlike old SCADA systems that provide only real-time data, Ignition also gives meaning to this data. It allows for the integration of real-time and historical data from various sources, enabling users to quickly understand their business’s status.

5. Ignition speeds up the process

Old SCADA systems are time-consuming, whereas Ignition accelerates installation and development. Thanks to hot-pluggable modules, functionalities can be quickly added or modified without taking the system offline. Ignition can be downloaded and deployed within minutes.

Ignition module overzicht

6. Ignition fits everywhere

Old SCADA systems are often tied to specific operating systems, while Ignition is completely platform-independent. It can be easily deployed via the web on virtually any operating system, giving users more freedom in their choice of software and hardware.

7. Ignition offers freedom without limitations

Traditional SCADA licenses can be restrictive and drive up costs. Ignition offers an unlimited software package per server, allowing users to enjoy unlimited clients, tags, and connections for a fraction of the cost of other solutions. This freedom encourages innovation and growth.

Explore Ignition

Schedule an exclusive Ignition demo on-site

  • Learn how Ignition can be specifically applied in your company.
  • Ask all your questions directly and delve into specific software aspects.
  • Receive tailor-made solutions and expert advice.

Start building your own Ignition application

  • Quick and effortless to install.
  • Explore and leverage all the functionalities of the software for as long as you need.
  • Connect unlimitedly to tags, PLCs, databases, and devices.
  • Assess for yourself if Ignition meets the needs of your business.

Explore Ignition in the online demo environment

  • No download or installation required.
  • Explore applications for various industries.
  • Customize values and see results instantly.
  • Learn how Ignition automates and visualizes processes, even without programming knowledge.
  • Discover all the possibilities and whether Ignition meets your needs.

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